EDI-ready Process Automation
Secure data exchanges between trading partners with API

Easy integration
Connect with your existing BPM, CRM, or ERP for smooth interactions with just a one-time setup. No programming is needed. You can also qualify partners quickly for fast data exchanges, so all recipients are correctly authorized.
Customize to meet your needs
Convert documents to the norm your partners want, be it EDIFACT, X12 or Factur-X, UBL, CII, and the format required (XML, JSON, PDF/A-3) Scale your architecture to match business growth and use automation to eliminate user error. Whatever your industry requirements, you can connect to existing networks such as Peppol.
Trace all interactions
Every action can be securely monitored, allowing you to confirm where each document is in their lifecycle. This lets you verify the identity of each party involved and get insight in real time. What’s more, you can prepare for audits and compliance checks in advance and address issues early.
Shorter transaction times
Using a universal REST API driver, our solution simplifies communication between trading partners. Send invoices, purchase orders, and more, and you can receive instant responses from multiple vendors or customers through a single API.
Explore our EDI-ready process automation solutions

Directly deposit invoices, purchase orders, Advance Shipping Notices, and more to any business partner portal

Business document exchange modernized with enhanced Web Service

Enhance your existing procurement system with straightforward automated invoice processing

Trade easily with multiple partners using digital exchange purchase orders

Create a secure and flexible workflow for inbound order processing alongside your current order management system

Transform your Electronic Data Interchange for greater efficiency

Improve business document exchanges with advanced API
Integrate seamlessly with your existing process, no matter your industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
EDI stands for electronic data interchange. It is the electronic communication of business documents between trading partners. These documents are exchanged in an internationally accepted standard format.
Nowadays, document exchanges leverage advanced API Web Service dialogs to address any business requirement better and become increasingly easier to upgrade. More and more trading partners are offering powerful and well-documented APIs to not only standardize EDI data transmission but to enable more flexible ways to communicate with them.
No, you do not need to use the same EDI solution. Since EDI solutions are viewed as universal in nature, you will need to comply with the functioning standard that they all follow. However, the EDI solution your company choses to use should be one that is best suited to its business needs.
Typical examples would include SAP or IBM. However, our solution is also compatible with standards such as PEPPOL. Contact us with details about your intended business use for more information.
Both! We help you adapt to your current infrastructure, including a hybrid approach.

We were actively looking for a solution that could not only resolve our issue with digital signature validation but also make document exchange flawless using EDI communication. The introduction of Compleo into our business process helped with sending the digitally signed business documents directly into the client's portal through API integration. We look forward to digitizing our other processes using the Symtrax solution.
Learn More

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