Digital data and document transformation
Forms Design for AS/400 With or Without AFP
Business benefits Solution advantages
See how you can enhance your current IBM i or AS/400 application
IBM no longer supports Advanced Function Printing Utilities. Read the official memo here.
Leverage the flexibility of a Windows-based forms design tool. Whether your original business document resides on the iSeries or in a network folder, design with ease using our WISIWYG tool that only requires a spool file (AFPDS or IPDS).
Continue producing AFPDS spools on the iSeries: Enhance or start from scratch using a fully supported Windows-based program
As IBM continues to develop new technologies, as well as operating system upgrades, the number of discontinued or unsupported programs increases. As an example, Version 7.3 does not support IBM Advanced Function Printing Utilities (5770-AF1).
Why not start designing or enhancing your current forms with a solution developed by an IBM business partner that doesn’t depend on AFP? Compleo Hybrid makes it possible to handle forms effectively with no disruption
With Compleo Hybrid, you can:
- Use our proprietary Spool Explorer connector (iConnector) to navigate through your OUTQs
- View your current AFPDS overlay and start designing right over it.
- Remove items from your old AFPDS overlay
- Create forms directly from other sources, including IPDS, text and PDF files
- Leverage standard image formats, like JPG, PNG, and GIFs, to match your forms with your company’s current style
- Output dynamically to Windows-based printers with no need for special drivers
- Distribute the resulting PDF files to network folders or send them to IFS
- Leverage our Cloud connectors to send to Google Drive, AWS
- Exchange information with web services for B2B purposes
- Include Terms and Conditions in a Rich Text File, such as a Word document
- Work with a comprehensive set of easy-to-create barcodes
- Query your DB2 database or other relational databases to extract information missing from spooled files
- Design reusable templates and apply them to similar reports